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What to Expect

Mind Body Medicine uses a variety of techniques designed to enhance the mind's capacity to alter bodily function. The standard treatment approaches used in mind-body medicine include meditation & mindfulness, breathwork & energywork, and creative outlets. We use other holistic techniques as well.

One of the cornerstones of mind body medicine has always been to engage the mind first. True healing not only encompasses the physical body, but the mental, emotional and spiritual body as well. There are subtle things one does as a practitioner to gently encourage the mind to start accepting the choice to be healthy, and the physical body follows suit.

Treating holistically, as opposed to symptomatically, also brings into focus core issues beneath the presenting ailments which can then be resolved. This is akin to peeling off the layers of an onion until true healing of the core persona is achieved.


What I do

I use a unique model for healing which is counselling-led. I believe that mental/ emotional well-being opens the door to physical well being and self mastery. Our conversations act as triage- often sorting & revealing core issues, which we then use a variety of therapies to address.  I create bespoke rituals for you to do at home to sustain healing and optimize wellness. These will include some of the following: restorative yoga, breathwork, mindfulness practices like art therapy & journaling, Ayurveda based nutrition & supplementation advice, EFT, meditation & self massage. It will be an easy to follow, progressive plan that will inform our next session.

While this model works well for long standing or chronic issues, for acute or emergent health concerns I do recommend visiting a doctor. Holistic medicine is a great tool for resolving longstanding issues and optimizing wellness, but by no means replaces medical advice in emergent situations.

Your Appointment

  • The first visit could be long and intense as I will take an extensive history- please plan for 1.5 hrs.

  • We start with emailing you a questionnaire, where you talk in detail about yourself, a brief health history, any ailments or concerns, as well as your long term and short term goals.

  • This is followed by an in-person visit where we get a more detailed history. This session will incorporate coaching you about the best way forward, lessons in practices you can use for immediate relief at home, followed by an in-depth plan that will follow in 2 days to aim toward. 

  • Your second/ follow up visit will be 3 weeks later for 45 mins, and following that, if needed, a month later for 30 mins.

  • An invoice will be generated and emailed to you in order to pay for the service beforehand. Any refunds applicable will be processed after date of visit

  • Each person is different and responds differently to various healing modalities. We will try a combination of things together to determine what would work best for your specific body type, personality and particular issue.

  • Subsequent follow ups are shorter, and can be handled via phone call as well.

  • Please wear comfortable clothing for the first visit as we may try some yoga poses or meditate



Adapt: $150 (initial), $75 (first follow up), $50 (ongoing)

Align: $200 (initial), $100 (first follow up), $75 (Phone call)

Ascend: Contact for more information

Sanctuary: $100/ hr- individual or split into a small group

Karuna: $40 flat fee

Inhabit: On request, based on project size

NOTE: All services ( Except Ascend, Inhabit) must be paid for in advance of visit.

A cancellation fee of 50% is payable if cancelled before 24 hours.

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