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The effects of ritual on the nervous system

Updated: Dec 4, 2019

Human beings are governed by the state of their nervous system. These days stress has become almost systemic to our lives and ergo our nerves are not faring that well. We rarely spend any time resting, and constantly overload ourselves with stimuli and stimulants to keep going and the pace of the world. We take NO time off from brain activity to just be with ourselves, and that is why we are noticing a host of nervous disorders showing up in our world.

Historically, ritualistic tea ceremonies were common in Asia. It was an artform that brought people together. The ritual nature of the ceremony made the tea seem special and the meditative way it was conducted soothed the participants. there is a slowness and deliberation to these ceremonies that makes the participants completely focused on the tea in the present moment, thus shutting down overactive brain activity.

Any manner of ritual or practice done everyday, preferably at the same time, tends to soothe your nerves. The sameness and predictability of the ritual itself makes you feel safe, and present. Integrating things into your schedule that you do for yourself whilst shutting out the world will enable present moment awareness, help you check in with yourself and give you the space and time to take a break from the external noise. Whether it is a journaling practice, or a breathwork exercise, or a series of stretches, anything done habitually and ritually with complete respect for yourself, will go a long way in supporting your nervous system.

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