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“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."                                                                                         - Thomas Alva Edison, 1903

What if a state of optimal health was always accessible to you?

What would you do with your life then?

Illness occurs when there is a perfect storm of inner and outer stresses on the body. It is a manifestation of physical, mental or emotional discomfort that is carried too long. When under pressure, we tend not to check in with ourselves. We ignore our discomforts, filing them away as niggles, when in fact these are precursors to larger issues lurking under the surface.

Urban stressors act upon all of us living the fast-paced life- Late nights, fast food, media- all take their toll, and depression and anxiety are fast becoming household terms.

We battle food labels, allergies and intolerances from eating things that aren’t right for us, environmental toxins, EMF, etc. – all things unnatural to our base state. Poor sleep patterns and, in turn, poor lifestyle create a domino effect that exerts tremendous pressure on our bodies. We hear terms like ‘mindfulness’ and ‘self-care’ thrown about, but usually the time we take out for putting these into practice is minimal, ineffectual, and oftentimes, too late.


Trauma is everywhere we look.

If not a personal life crisis, or residual trauma from a loved one, then perhaps stress accrued over years of watching the media dramatize dangerous or tragic world events. Most of us are battling grief, anxiety or depression that is undiagnosed and untreated, making it particularly hard for our system to combat infectious conditions or recover from injury.

We carry our strongest emotions at the cellular level.

All trauma, unless processed in a timely and healthy way, tends to manifest as disease- usually chronic conditions that come about suddenly. Trauma can also manifest as bad decisions in terms of food, rest and social engagement, which if left unchecked can become habitual and lead to long term issues. Emotional and physical well-being go hand in hand. We lose the mental battle with life when we let physical discomfort manifest as disease. Therefore a strong healthy mindset is imperative to overall health.

We can only strive for betterment when we are in a state of ease, as opposed to dis-ease. Dis-ease here could mean ongoing symptoms of illness- whether mental of physical, emotional overwhelm, trauma, stress, grief or low self worth. Only when one has surmounted their ongoing symptoms, they can access ease and balance and go about their life goals. First we must adapt to our circumstances.

What if there were a way where you were back in control of your own body? If there was a way to diagnose and alleviate the core issue so that the symptoms would slowly disappear? What if you were given a toolkit- a series of rituals that were simple enough to build into your daily routine at home that gave a quantum boost to your wellbeing?


We all tend towards equilibrium. Our bodies are intelligent and designed to achieve a base state called homeostasis. Given enough time, support and the right conditions, we are programmed to heal ourselves. I am only assisting your body on this journey and getting out of the way. But first we must stop doing further harm. We must become cognizant of our state of health and take accountability for our wellbeing. We must begin to look at health holistically- healing our lifestyles, emotions and connections with others in order to heal our physical bodies.

I believe in creating a balance between the mental and physical self for long term wellness. I believe in checking in, and having the sensory acuity to be able to catch symptoms well in time and treating them holistically. These are things we can help with. Through the unique combination of tools at our disposal and via therapeutic counselling, we are able to empower you to take control of your own well being and enhance it. Via this service, we make a bespoke, progressive plan for healing your ongoing issues to attain a higher state of wellness. We teach you how to sustain this via easy daily practices done at home. Please get in touch.

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